What do you fear the most?
Fear. An emotion we are born with and live most of our life with. We all have our fair shares of things we are fearful about. Whenever someone is asked for the list of things they fear from, you would get answers like, fear of death, cockroaches, height, water, etc.
The responses to this question follows a common theme. We almost always talk about our fears in terms of something ”external”, which makes me feel that the answer is either incomplete or deceptive. And there is more to it.
There is a troubling real answer buried under the cover of so called common answer. I believe, for most people, the thing that would top the fear list is ”themselves”. Yes, believe it or not, people fear the most from their own true inner self.
Find it hard to believe? Let’s do an exercise. Try sitting for an hour with yourself, doing absolutely nothing. When I say nothing, I literally mean it. Just sit with your thoughts. No books, TV, or any type of activity is allowed.
Once you’ve done it, let me know how long were you able to do this exercise. Was it super comfortable or extremely hard?