I don’t watch News and neither should you!
In school, a misconception was circulated that news is an acronym for ‘North East West South’. And I believed it because the logic that news is information that comes from any and every corner of the world, was convincing.
As an adult, I find it funny, how easily we would believe anything as kidswithout cross-checking it. Surprisingly, even as a mature adults, we still do it today: believe the news blindly and get anxious.
The full form ended up teaching me a meaningful lesson. Since the news comes from all directions all the time, does every piece of news have an impact on our lives? May be not. Then what’s the point of involving ourselves in something that is nothing more than noise? It’s noise that makes people anxious, worried and deaf to real sounds.
It’s been more than 6 months since I watched the news and it has only made my life better both mentally and emotionally. Just like we keep food fast, try a news fast. Challenge yourself to not watch news for some time and see the difference it makes to your wellbeing.