Life is Fragile
Whenever I hear about someone passing away at a very young age or unexpectedly, it acts as a reminder to not forget the fact that ‘life is fragile’. I don’t think any of us here ignore this fact deliberately. It’s just that sometimes we get so much caught up in the grinding of our day-to-day lives that we completely forget about it.
In my opinion, people are split into two extreme ideologies when it comes to how they shape their lives around this fact. On one side, people live by so the called quote “Live every day like it’s your last” and hustle day in and day out trying to squeeze as much juice as they can out of their lives as if it’s some kind of fruit. On the other end, people take their life for granted and endlessly push things to the future thinking they will get to it someday. And we all know what happens in this case, we have been there.
You might be thinking, what’s the point? The point is to find a balance. If you are thinking that I’m going to share some magical solutions/frameworks on how to find balance, I’m sorry, but you would be disappointed. Because there is no one size fits all kind of answer to this question. It is highly subjective and driven by a person’s moral values and priorities.
I wrote this piece not to find a perfect answer, but to remind myself (and maybe you) about the fragility of life.