Cross your Limit
Have you ever wondered how little we know about ourselves? I get amazed and at the same time laugh at myself when I realize how crazily wrong notions I had about what I thought to be my limits/capacities. I never paid much attention to the mess I created in my mind until I had to.
Lately, I have been maintaining a relatively active lifestyle. I have been trying to get to this for a very long time. I don’t know why, but my procrastination and laziness always won the fight in my head. But finally, I got over it and began my fitness journey with cycling.
I used to do a lot of cycling in 2016. At that time, the longest ride I did on my bike was 72 km. This number kind of became a mental limit for my capability. Until recently, I broke this record and set a new personal record of 100km and that too with around 800m of elevation gain. This experience made me realize how little I know about myself. It would be unfair, to say the least, that I completely underestimated myself. It seems our mind is always looking to define boundaries for itself, no matter the activity. These boundaries easily become barriers that are difficult to break through.
Every moment of our lives is shaping the boundaries of our minds. Since it is hard to differentiate if something is an actual limitation or mental barrier, the only way to find out is to try to break out it. You never know what’s on the other side until you get to the other side.
So what boundaries do you have in your mind that are acting like barriers? Think for yourself!